vitalhippie: littlesunnyday: Okay, I have to admit something....



Okay, I have to admit something. I’m an addict. A hopeless chocolate addict.
I know, I know, doesn’t sound that bad, but have you ever had that feeling when you really need to buy for example that special coat you saw in an expensive boutique? That’s me when it comes to quality chocolate. Some days ago, I luckily could get my hands on a try out of Lovechocojunky’s (a really young chocolate company from Hamburg, Germany) “Willie’s Cacao - Peruvian gold" dark chocolate from the mountains of beautiful Peru. Doesn’t that sound super fancy? Tastes like it, too! Topped my hclf vegan breakfast nicecream made out of coconut milk, raspberries and bananas plus some spices, with this delicious beauty up there plus some caramel - like coconutsugar . Heaven. If anyone is interested in the exact recipe, please leave a comment or message and I’ll post it in the coming days! :) xx Amber 
Quite new Instagram: littlesunnyday_ full of delicious plant based food and positivity. 

This looks so delicious (and once again I cant get ovee your amazing photo-skills)!!

Will have to try thiiiiis super soon!

More info ....


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google

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